Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Marine Reserves now! | Greenpeace International

Marine Reserves now! | Greenpeace International

"Have you ever wondered what's inside a can of tuna? We did. That's why we did the first ever independent, public genetic testing on 50 different brands of tinned tuna products from 12 countries. We found evidence of alarming and sloppy practices on the part of the canned tuna industry.

Some of the tuna cans contained evidence of several different species of tuna - some even contained completely different species than other cans in the same batch. What it comes down to is that the tuna industry doesn't really know what it's canning.

The root of this problem is the use of FADs (Fish Aggregation Devices), manmade or natural floating objects that attract not only adult tuna, but all kinds of other marine life, including sharks and turtles and juvenile tuna. If the tuna industry wants to save itself and the tuna - it needs to ban the use of FADs now!"

Read more
Sign our petition to demand Marine Reserves now!

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