Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Started thinking about marmite today, and realised  that they do not sell marmite in the United States. Why is that? I looked on wikipedia...the only site that tells the real truth, and found:

Marmite's publicity campaigns initially emphasised the spread's healthy nature, extolling it as "The growing up spread you never grow out of." During the 1980s, the spread was advertised with the slogan "My mate, Marmite", chanted in television commercials by an army platoon. (The spread had been a standard vitamin supplement for British-based German POWs during the Second World War.) By the 1990s, another strand entered the company's marketing efforts; Marmite's distinctive and powerful flavour had earned it as many detractors as it had fans, and it was commonly notorious for producing a polarised "love/hate" reaction amongst consumers. Modern advertisements play on this, and Marmite runs a dual skinned website with two URLs; I Love Marmite and I Hate Marmite, where people may share their experiences of Marmite and are actively encouraged to fuel this debate, as prompted by the I Hate Marmite registration form.

[edit]Availability worldwide

So as a result, I am cursing America for not being as diverse as it claims to be...why have you deceived me America? Enjoy it while it lasts though, America is gonna come and dominate your industries yo.... if Asia doesn't do it first....Asia.... >_>
On the other hand you can always see that teenage boys are made of marmite..by watching CHARLIEISSOCOOLLIKE aka Charlie McDonnell and his awesome videos...

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